
  UNIVERSITY OF GENEVA University of Geneva     Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève Hôpitaux Universitaires de Genève  
  Canton de Genève Canton de Genève     Service d'Informatique Médicale Service d'Informatique Médicale  
  Institut Suisse de Bioinformatique Institut Suisse de Bioinformatique     HealthGrid Association HealthGrid Association  

Wednesday 25 april 2007

8.00 Registration
9.00 > 10.30 SESSION 1
State of the art of the grid research and
use at molecule level
Chairman: Patricia Hernandez
  • 9.00 Key note speaker
    Arthur Thomas, Great Britain
    Of molecules and men - Grid technologies and molecular medicine
  • 9.50
    Dominique Zosso, Switzerland
    Tandem Mass Spectrometry Protein Identification on a PC Gridc
  • 10.10 > 10.30
    Quandt Andreas, Switzerland
    Grid-based Analysis of Tandem Mass Spectrometry Data in Clinical Proteomics
10.30 > 11.00 Coffee break
11.00 > 12.30 SESSION 2
Chairman: Toni Solomonides Vicente Hernadez
  • 11.00
    Gabriele A. Trombetti, Italy
    BGBlast: A BLAST Grid Implementation with Database Self-Updating and Adaptive Replication
  • 11.20
    Rafael Mayo, Spain
    Advances in the Biomedical Applications of the EELA Project
  • 11.40
    Sebastian Canisius, Germany
    Sleep medicine as a scenario for medical Grid application
  • 12.00
    Vinod Kasam, France
    Grid Enabled High Throughput Virtual Screening Against Four Different Targets Implicated in Malaria
  • 12.20 > 12.40
    Nabil Abdennadher, Switzerland
    Porting PHYLIP phylogenetic package on the Desktop GRID platform XtremWeb-CH
12.40 > 13.30 Lunch break
13.30 > 15.00 SESSION 3
State of the art of the grid research and use at cell level
Chairman: Henning Muller
  • 13.30 Keynote speaker
    Robert Beck, United States
    Good Cells, Bad Cells, and the Grid
  • 14.20
    Richard Sinnott, UK
    Security-oriented Data Grids for Microarray Expression Profiles
  • 14.40 > 15.00
    Marienne Hibbert, Australia
    The Molecular Medicine Informatics Model (MMIM)
15.00 > 15.30 Coffee break
15.30 > 16.10 SESSION 4
Chairman: Ignacio Blanker and Michael Podvinec
  • 15.30
    Andrew Emerson, Italy
    ImmunoGrid - The virtual human immune system project
  • 15.50 > 16.10
    Roberta Alfieri, Italy
    Parameter estimation for Cell Cycle Ordinary Differential Equation (ODE) models using a grid approach
16.10 > 17.00 SESSION 5
European Commission session on FP7
Chairman: Yannick Legré
  • 16.10 > 17.00 keynote speaker
    Joël Bacquet, Maria Ramalho-Natario, EU Commission, Brussels, Belgium
17.00 > 19.00 HealthGrid Annual General Meeting